
This is a project that I've been working on for a long time, and only recently given it a name. The lineup will simply be me, as due to complcations, I cannot be in a real band, nor even find a drummer for that matter.
To fix this i have to write all of the songs myself, and make digital drum beats. Its grueling at times, but it gets the job done. And I have very little options at this point.
The music will be mostly instrumental, but there will be some Zeuhl lyrics. Its going to be me trying to combine weird influences to make something interesting and varied.
The only other thing I will say on the music itself is that it is going to be mostly a heavy album. And that I do take some influence from extreme genres.
That is all. It's not going to be easy, but a first album will be made.
8/18/24, 4:26pm